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首席赞助Top Sponsor

  • 快手磁力引擎


    Magnetic Engine is a commercial marketing service platform of Kuaishou. It has launched a series of commercial products and service tools, such as Magnetic Juxing, Magnetic Jinniu, and Magnetic Wanxiang, to help brands create a new marketing platform on Kuaishou. In 2021, a new commercial value positioning “New Marketplace Business” was proposed, allowing brands to realize four values of expansion, connection, operation, and insight on Kuaishou. In 2022, a new business philosophy—ROI was launched, which achieved deterministic growth for brands’ deep operation.

钻石赞助Diamond Sponsor

  • 巨量引擎



    Ocean Engine is a comprehensive digital marketing platform developed by Douyin Group that provides services to businesses of all sizes, in various regions, to inspire creativity, drive business, and sustain growth.
  • 腾讯智慧零售


    Tencent Smart Retail serves as a strategic partner forretailers, enabling them to achieve digital transfor-mation and drive holistic business qrowth. Leveraging the weiXin ecosystem and backed by theadvanced technological capabilities of TencentCloud, Tencent Smart Retail mobilizes internal andexternal resources to provide end-to-end services folbusiness digitalization By offering a complete business lifecvclesolution,from business consultation to the development of digital products and ongoing operationalsupport Tencent smart Retail empowers retailers toestablish self-owned, controllable private domainoperations, enabling seamless management of theirentire business ecosystem.
  • 小红书


铂金赞助Platinum Sponsor

  • Nint任拓




    Nint Expert in Big Data AI for Digital Commerce For over a decade, Nint has been a leader in developing a digital commerce ecosystem using its proprietary Nint Prophet® AI algorithm. Prophet® seamlessly integrates AI and big data utilizing “Tag Science”. This innovation, supported by multiple patents and copyrights, connects consumers, products, and content across all channels. Nint's extensive big data services encompass both shelf and content e-commerce. Since 2009, Nint has empowered over 80% of the world’s top 500 consumer products companies, comprising 3,000 brands, and 30,000 stores with comprehensive solutions. These include online retail tracking, consumer comments analytics, channel price management, instant retail, and effectiveness measurement of content conversion. These tools provide profound insights to drive brand decision-making and growth. Our operations now encompass China, Japan, and Southeast Asia. Guided by the principle that "Data sets the world free", Nint is dedicated to advancing digital commerce. We pioneered the founding of  the Digital Commerce Alliance and established a Big Data Research Institute dedicated to driving continuous innovation to inspire the evolution of the industry.
  • 悠易科技




    Established in 2007, YOYI TECH exploits cutting-edge big data and AI technologies and establishes a Three-Cloud Product Matrix: Advertising Cloud OneDesk, Data Cloud LinkFlow, and Marketing Cloud Engage X, to help brands to practice intelligent omnichannel marketing and achieve data-driven business growth. Through omnichannel data collection and ID mapping, as well as multi-dimensional data analysis and precisely customer engagement, YOYI TECH has successfully provided services to 1000+ companies, including well known names both in China and abroad, and has committed to empower marketers with data and technology, becoming a leader in omnichannel intelligent marketing industry.  
  • bilibili

    围绕用户、创作者和内容,B站构建了一个源源不断产生优质内容的生态系统。中国最优秀的专业创作者都聚集在B站创作内容,涵盖生活、游戏、时尚、知识、音乐等数千个品类和圈层,引领着流行文化的风潮,成为中文互联网极其独特的存在。目前,B站95%的视频播放量都来自于专业用户创作的视频(Professional User Generated Video,PUGV)。

    Endearingly dubbed as “B site” by its users, Bilibili represents an iconic brand and a leading video community with a mission to enrich the everyday life of the young generations in China. Centered around users, Uploaders and content, Bilibili has built an online ecosystem that continuously produces high-quality content. China's best professional content creators gather on Bilibili to create videos across thousands of categories and interest groups, including Lifestyle, Games, Fashion, Tech & Knowledge, and Music. A unique cohort in China's internet landscape, they collectively set the pop culture agenda in China. Professional user generated video (PUGV) contributes 95% of total video views. Based on its content ecosystem, Bilibili provides a wide array of products and services, including mobile games, live broadcasting, premium membership, advertising, comics, e-commerce, as well as strategically invests in emerging entertainment formats such as esports and virtual idols. Bilibili ranked first in QuestMobile's "Gen Z Preferred App" and "Gen Z Preferred Pan-Entertainment App" several times in a row and was selected as one of BrandZ's Top 100 Most Valuable Chinese Brands in 2021.The company was listed on Nasdaq in March 2018 and completed its secondary listing on Hong Kong Stock Exchange in March, 2021.
  • 小米商业营销


    "Xiaomi Ads" is a commercial intelligent marketing platform launched by Xiaomi Internet Business department. Under the guidance of the Xiaomi Group’s "Human × Car × Home , All your needs in one smart ecosystem" strategy, Xiaomi Ads offers intelligent marketing solutions for various brand owners, and can help them precisely match communication channels, efficiently reach high-quality users, and creatively express brand core selling points. We provide brand owners with commercial services combining branding and performance that continue to influence the consumers’ minds, greatly improve the innovation, experience and precision of marketing. Since its establishment in 2014, Xiaomi Ads has always been committed to providing customers with better quality, more innovative marketing solutions. We have served more than 5,000 key accounts and won honors such as "Top Ten Comprehensive Strength Marketing Service Platform", "Most Popular OTT Marketing Platform of CMO", "Excellent AI Platform of the Year".
  • 深演智能


    深演智能-国内领先的一站式人工智能决策解决方案平台 (

    DeepZero is a leading AI-driven MarTech company in China, recognized as a National High-tech Enterprise with Specialization and Newness. We empower key decision-makers such as CMOs, CEOs, and CIOs to improve marketing ROI by providing omni-channel marketing products, including CDP, DMP, MA, and Adserving. Our products help brands efficiently acquire and convert target audiences in China, while managing customer data throughout the full lifecycle.
  • 搜狐视频

    作为中国第一家推出“正版+ 高清”的网络视频服务商,在10余年的成长过程中,凭借丰富的视频内容、媒体影响力和领先的技术优势,搜狐视频已成为中国最具影响力和公信度的媒体平台。
    搜狐视频秉承“源于网络,先于流行”的内容理念,在各个领域进行全媒体创新。作为创新求变的先行者,搜狐视频聚焦圈层,通过“小而美” 的内容打造差异化小爆款。同时通过长短视频双引擎启动传播效果加倍,并与搜狐新闻客户端、狐友APP三端协同扩大声量,穿透介质触达人群扩大声量。

    Sohu Video was founded in 2006. It is China’s most favorite online video destination and No. 1 destination for comprehensive video contents. Sohu Video is China’s first online video service provider offering “Licensed + High Definition” contents. Ever since it’s foundation a decade ago, Sohu Video has grown into a most influential and credible media platform with its extensive video content library, media influence and leading technological superiority. Sohu Video is committed to innovation on all fronts. As an industry leader, Sohu Video is dedicated to building influence and driving innovation on multi screens, including mobile, PC, and TV.
  • 网易新闻


    Netease Media, the founder of China's Internet portal and the leader of mobile information applications, has always won the reputation of users with its high-quality native content, distinctive reporting angle, and unique follow-up culture, and has built a diverse and healthy content ecology and attitude marketing system. In the field of mobile information, it continues to occupy the leading position in the industry.
  • 微博


黄金赞助Gold Sponsor

  • 时趣


    As a marketing agency dedicated to being a long-term ally for brands, Social Touch is focused on providing brands with a superior partnership experience characterized by 'intimate symbiosis, must participate in pitches'. Leveraging its continuously accumulated creative resources and technological advantages in data, it delivers tangible business outcomes for brands.
  • 小度


    Xiaodu is an intelligent technology companythat integrates hardware and AI as its core, offering seamless software andhardware solutions. Leveraging a broad hardware ecosystem that spans diversesmart home terminal scenarios, Xiaodu continuously advances its AIcapabilities, driven by user needs. By integrating cutting-edge AI technologiessuch as human-machine interaction, content generation, and multimodalprocessing, Xiaodu empowers brand marketing with innovative solutions. Itcreates new, personalized interactive experiences between brands and consumers,helping brands explore more marketing possibilities and growth opportunities.
  • 哈啰




    哈啰是国内专业的本地出行及生活服务平台,致力通过数字技术,为人们提供便捷出行体验及普惠生活服务。公司成立于2016年,总部位于上海,目前出行服务方面主要提供两轮共享服务(哈啰单车、助力车)和四轮出行服务(哈啰顺风车、哈啰打车),本地生活服务则包括自主品牌哈啰电动车,与蚂蚁集团、宁德时代合资建立的小哈换电,及租车服务平台——哈啰租车,还有为社区流浪猫管理提供智能解决方案的独立品牌“街猫”等。截至目前,哈啰拥有累计注册用户超6亿。 哈啰依托专业硬件支持、海量用户资源和强地理标签等本地优势,实现线上对用户精准触达,并能基于对行程轨迹的深度研究能力,将消费者引流到店,有效提升企业获客能力。 每位正在使用哈啰服务的用户,基于出行目的延展会关联到衣、食、住、行诸多行业,哈啰营销聚焦“出行”二字,串联起生活多维需求和空间场景,贴合企业生意提供多种履约模式,是品牌实践O2O整合营销的理想舞台。
  • Analytic Partners

    Analytic Partners勘讯咨询(简称:AP勘讯)是一家全球性商业数据咨询公司,被屡次评为营销量化评估和优化领域的全球领导者。通过专利性技术、灵活的分析法、对行业的敏感度和洞察力,AP勘讯以全面的数据驱动型营销测量方案,为企业客户实现营销ROI的效果评估和优化。
    AP勘讯的代表性一体化解决方案:商业分析 (Commercial Analytics)能够更全面更有效地衡量和量化业绩增长的背后驱动因素,更准确的评估和优化营销ROI,引导品牌作出更合理的营销预算分配。

    Analytic Partners is a global Commercial Intelligence company. Analytic Partners provides a holistic, data-driven measurement solution to help brands to optimize ROI and maximize marketing effectiveness against multiple KPIs. Commercial Analytics is Analytic Partners’ proprietary solution for insights-driven brands, enabling the forecasting, planning and evaluation of marketing impact in the context of all factors driving the business, including category demand, competition, environment, and more.

专场合作伙伴Featured Session Partner

  • 欢网科技

    在智能营销领域聚焦家庭大屏入口,拥有3亿+智能大屏终端规模,覆盖60%中国家庭,系统级营销产品覆盖收视全路径,支持创新营销与营销策略定制化,持续引领行业营销新趋势。 is comprehensively deploying the CTV industry and delving deep into the market value of CTV. As the leading CTV service provider in China, provides one-stop services for partners, with the trinity business strategy of "technology, operation, and marketing". focuses on the CTV entrance, with a coverage scale of more than 300 million CTV terminals, covering 60% of Chinese households. The system-level marketing products cover the entire viewing path, and supports innovative marketing and customized marketing strategies for advertisers, continuously driving industry-wide marketing trends forward.
  • 飞书深诺集团

    飞书深诺集团成立于 2013年,是以全球移动互联网大数据为基础、AI技术驱动的领先的数字化全球营销服务集团,拥有全球超40家优质媒介采买资源,营销推广覆盖全球 233个国家和地区,拥有新加坡、日本、美国、印度、阿联酋等多个国家和地区的海外团队,2023年管理年度营销金额超过50亿美金,实现跨境交易(Transaction value)超过150亿美金。如今,飞书深诺集团已累计服务电商、品牌、游戏、APP 多场景超10万家中国企业成功出海,稳步实现用数字有效联结中国企业和全球消费者的愿景。

    Founded in 2013, Meetsocial Group is a global onlinemarketing service group based on global mobile Internet data and driven by Al technology. Meetsocial has a global marketing coverage of 233 countries and regions with overseas branches in Singapore, Japan, the United States, India, the United Arab Emirates, and other countries and regions, Nowa-days, Meetsocial has served more than 100,000 Chinese enterprises in various scenarios, including e-commerce, branding, games, and applications, and has steadily realized the vision of effectively connecting Chinese enterprises and global consumers through digital marketing.

    VIOOH 是全球领先的优质数字户外媒体供应方平台。
    在数字户外媒体和程序化专家团队的带领下,VIOOH 正在推动户外广告领域的变革升级,利用程序化技术能力和数据,在全渠道数字营销活动中发挥积极引领作用。VIOOH已在22个国家和地区的开展程序化数字户外媒体交易,未来将持续开拓更多市场。

    Vl0OH is a leading premium global digital out ofhome supply-side platform. Launched in 2018 and with headquarters in London,Vi0OH's platform connects buyers and sellers in apremium marketplace, making 0OH easily accessibleLed by a team of digital 0OH and programmatic techexperts,Vl0OH is pioneering the transformation of the00H sector, championing its role in enhancingmulti-channel digital campaigns through the use ofprogrammatic capabilities and data. Vl0OH currentlytrades programmatically in 22 markets, with more tofollow.  
  • 鲸鸿动能


    Petal Ads is smart marketing platform for Huaweidevices, which provides marketing and trafficmonetization services for advertisers and publishersworldwide to help them achieve business growth andimprove brand value. lt does this by leveragingHuawei's "1+8+N" all-scenario ecosystem, Huaweiapps' marketing capabilities, massive premiumthird-party traffic, extensive business resources, andpowerful ad technologies.
  • 北京地铁通成


    Beijing Top Result Metro Advertising Co., Ltd. is held by Beijing's Mass Transit Railway Operation Corporation Limited, and invested by JCDecaux Group. Beijing Top Result Metro manages media resources for the ten lines in Beijing. These lines cover 8.15 million daily passenger flows. Beijing Top Result Metro dominates the outdoor advertising market in Beijing due to its outstanding resource share, premium media, and prDOOH. The company integrated the essential business districts, core audiences, and high-quality media in Beijing to provide a precise marketing platform. It is committed to leading the development of Beijing's urban railway advertising industry.

支持单位Support Unit

  • 国家会展中心(上海)


  • 北京日化协会
  • 上海日用化学品行业协会

官方AI合作伙伴Official AI Partner

  • 钛镁AI

    钛镁AI是专注于企业级AIGC营销智能体平台的服务商。从市场洞察、营销内容创作到舆情管理,提供营销全链路的生成式AI整体解决方案。公司核心团队拥有近20年营销行业经验和专业化的技术落地能力,目前产品已获得包括汽车、金融、快消、服饰等20+行业客户认可。钛镁AI企业级AIGC营销智能体平台涵盖了品牌舆情管理、市场分析、产品分析、消费者洞察、广告营销创意内容生成、数智客服、企业内训、知识库管理等众多营销应用场景。基于自研的LLMOps 应用开发平台,可提供私有数据训练的多元化部署服务,为企业快速构建专属大模型。

青年影响力合作伙伴Youth Influence Partner

  • Hi实习

    Hi实习,专注大学生求职机会,隶属于全球财经教育领导品牌——高顿教育。平台依托高顿教育集团海量的学生及企业资源,包括 20,000家合作企业及200W名在读大学生,为企业和学生搭建互通的桥梁,向企业直接输送优质的学生人才。

伴手礼合作伙伴Companion Gift Partner

  • 蔬果园
  • 舍得酒业
  • 舒客
  • 悠纯乳业
  • 乐源健康
  • 薄荷健康
  • C咖
  • 墨觉
  • 奥兰
  • 冰希黎
  • 佩莱
  • 柠檬共和国
  • 联合利华
  • 凡士林
  • 咖岚
  • 劲仔
  • 洛斐


    Shenzhen Lofree Culture Co., Ltd. was born in 2012 and is a fashion lifestyle brand founded by a group of interesting designers. Lofree focuses on every tentacle in people's lives at 2m², and hopes to use lively and interesting products to ignite people's boring and tasteless life. In this 2m², meet Lofree and meet yourself.
  • moody


    "moody" aims to provide customers with top-quality, exquisitely designed and healthy daily disposable colored contact lenses. As a brand whose mission is to empower customers with comfort, color and fun, moody partnered with the world’s leading manufactures and eye care professionals in R&D to continuously bring expertise and innovation to the industry.

GDMS官方合作媒体GDMS Offical Media Partners

  • 数英
  • SocialBeta
  • 窄播
  • 连线
  • 零售圈
  • 数食主张
  • 惊蛰研究所
  • 亿邦动力
  • 伯虎财经
  • 营销兵法
  • 增长黑盒
  • 小食代
  • 深响
  • 极客公园
  • 华尔街见闻


  • 中国广告


    《中国广告》杂志社在四十余年的办刊发展过程中,为宣传、普及广告理论与实践知识,为推动我国广告业的成长与发展,作出了公认的贡献。《中国广告》见证了中国广告业的发展,与中国广告业共同腾飞。 目前,以《中国广告》杂志为核心所形成的中国战略营销与融合传播平台,包括中国广告与品牌大会、中国影视广告论坛、中国广告AD网、《中国广告》杂志官方微博、《中国广告》杂志官方微信、中国广告案例年鉴、中国影视广告案例年鉴、CR3中国广告代理综合评估报告和CAMA中国广告营销大奖等为基础的专业传播平台,在业界形成较大的影响。

  • 钛媒体
  • 每日食品
  • 国际品牌观察
  • 现代广告
  • 创业邦
  • 极客网
  • 执牛耳
  • 数据猿
  • 广告营销圈
  • 成功营销
  • 观潮新消费
  • 天极网

    天极网 ·鲜活的科技平台


  • 比特网



  • 财经涂鸦
  • 明亮公司
  • 零售商业评论
  • 时代周报
  • 环球旅讯
  • 食业头条



  • 投资家
  • 赢商网
  • 乳业在线
  • 霞光社


    霞光社ShineGlobal | 一家立足全球市场的产业智库及内容服务平台 (

  • 硅谷网
  • 砍柴网
  • 热点科技
  • 派财经
  • 数字化企业网
  • 经理人
  • 鸟哥笔记
  • 新芽


  • 投资界


  • TechWeb
  • 豹变


  • 锌财经
  • 微果酱



  • 财经无忌
  • 巨潮
  • 刺猬公社
  • 品牌方舟
  • 酒业创新与投资大会
  • 娱乐资本论
  • 剁椒
  • 快消品
  • 财早广告
  • 新经销
  • 猎云网
  • Fmarketing
  • 零售商业财经
  • 职业零售网
  • BT财经
  • 新摘商业评论
  • 红餐网
  • 华商韬略




  • 无冕财经
  • TECH星球
  • 柒财经
  • 支付之家
  • 投中网
  • 亿欧
  • 纳食

独家图片直播平台Official Photo Platform Partner

  • 奥奕

    奥弈影像 全球影像服务平台,致力于为客户提供非凡的影像体验,为国内外企业提供图片直播、视频直播、短视频、宣传片等服务,中国及海外签约超过3000位摄影/摄像师。奥弈与图涌合作研发影像管理系统,为客户提供云摄影、云视频、长期影像储存与管理服务。用AI赋能影像制作,实现对直播高效剪辑。

    AOYI Imaging, as a global image service platform, is dedicated to providing customers with extraordinary visual experiences. We offer services such as live photo streaming, live video streaming, short videos, and promotional videos to domestic and international enterprises. With over 3000 photographers and videographers signed in China and overseas, Aoyi collaborates with TUYONG to develop an image management system, providing customers with cloud photography, cloud video, long-term image storage, and management services. We empower image production with AI, achieving efficient live stream editing.


  • 联想
  • 保乐力加


  • 快手磁力引擎


    Magnetic Engine is a commercial marketing service platform of Kuaishou. It has launched a series of commercial products and service tools, such as Magnetic Juxing, Magnetic Jinniu, and Magnetic Wanxiang, to help brands create a new marketing platform on Kuaishou. In 2021, a new commercial value positioning “New Marketplace Business” was proposed, allowing brands to realize four values of expansion, connection, operation, and insight on Kuaishou. In 2022, a new business philosophy—ROI was launched, which achieved deterministic growth for brands’ deep operation.
  • Teleperformance

    在中国,Teleperformance有超过20年的服务经验。2023年,Teleperformance 集团推出TP Infinity。在中国提供端到端解决方案涵盖四个核心领域 (消费者策略、洞察与分析、产品与技术以及全渠道运营),这对于确保品牌客户在亚太地区高度复杂和独特的数字环境中取得成功至关重要。TP Infinity将对客户和市场的深入洞察能力与成熟的运营交付能力相结合,为品牌带来真正的价值,并维持与消费者的持续互动。

    Teleperformance (TEP - ISIN:FR0000051807Reuters: TE mance- Bloomberg: TEP FP),is aglobal leader in digital business services whichconsistently seeks to blend the best of advancedtechnology with human empathy to deliverenhanced customer care that is simpler, fasterand safer for the world's biggest brands andtheir customers. The Group's comprehensiveAl-powered service portfolio ranges from frontoffice customer care to back-office functionsincluding operations consulting and high-valuedigital transformation services. lt also offers arange of specialized services such as collections,interpreting and localization, visa and consularservices, and recruitment process outsourcingservices
  • 深演智能


    DeepZero is a leading AI-driven MarTech company in China, recognized as a National High-tech Enterprise with Specialization and Newness. We empower key decision-makers such as CMOs, CEOs, and CIOs to improve marketing ROI by providing omni-channel marketing products, including CDP, DMP, MA, and Adserving. Our products help brands efficiently acquire and convert target audiences in China, while managing customer data throughout the full lifecycle.
  • 时趣


    As a marketing agency dedicated to being a long-term ally for brands, Social Touch is focused on providing brands with a superior partnership experience characterized by 'intimate symbiosis, must participate in pitches'. Leveraging its continuously accumulated creative resources and technological advantages in data, it delivers tangible business outcomes for brands.
  • TalkingData


    TalkingData stands as China's leading data intelligence unicorn company and the preeminent 3rd Party Data Intelligence Service Platform in China. With a vision of "Using data to transform enterprise and improve our world," TalkingData, since its establishment in 2011, has been consistently focused on leveraging data and algorithmic capabilities to deeply serve diverse business scenarios. It specializes in enabling enterprises to discern their user and consumer demands, optimize marketing and operational decision-making, and achieve sustainable digital business growth. By continuously delivering measurable business value, TalkingData is an acknowledged industry leader trusted by top-tier enterprises across various fields. With over twelve years of steadfast evolution, its adopted client base encompasses over 2000 of most of the top brands and enterprises across various fields of CPG, Internet, and Finance sectors, and it is well recognized as a top vendor name in the field of big data and AI. In China, TalkingData has emerged as one of the top practitioners with extensive experience in applying data elements, empowering and driving the digital transformation of the real economy with algorithms.
  • 元圆科技


    Beijing Yuanyuan Technology co., Ltd, part of Tianyu DigitalTechnology Group (002354),is an intelligent marketingcompany targeting "virtual people" The company takes the vitual ip incubation + brand AlGcmarketing as the core business, customizes the “intelligentMarketing" strategy for the enterprise, studies the brandpositioning,explores the business innovation mode, andhelps the brand digital upgrade. The company has successfully created such influential virtual ip cases as “Tianyu""AskHer”,“Yan Zhichu" and “Mars Project" in China,service customers cover automotive, food, fast food, jewelnyand other industries. The company developed Al marketing Saas platform, basecon the base of intelligent marketing large model, set AlGcadvertising material generation, advertising strategy optimi-zation,Al live e-commerce conversion in one, for manybrands,small and medium-sized businesses to providecoverage of data analysis, user insights, investment optimiza.tion, creative efficiency, brand operation of the full-link Almarketing serices. At present, the number of serviceenterprises more than 1600 customers,on the Internetfinance, cross-border health products, beauty and skin care,3C continue to maintain a leading position in the field
  • Nascent南讯


    Nascent Co.,Ldt is a technology company thatis consistently technology-driven and dedicatedto providing digitized operation technologies anoervices for consumers in the retail industry.Nascent has constructed solutions coyerince-commerce consumer operations, full-channeconsumer management both online and offlineand digitized full-scenario marketing, assistingconsumer brands and groups in yarious retaindustries to achieve business growth.
  • 飞书深诺集团

    飞书深诺集团成立于 2013年,是以全球移动互联网大数据为基础、AI技术驱动的领先的数字化全球营销服务集团,拥有全球超40家优质媒介采买资源,营销推广覆盖全球 233个国家和地区,拥有新加坡、日本、美国、印度、阿联酋等多个国家和地区的海外团队,2023年管理年度营销金额超过50亿美金,实现跨境交易(Transaction value)超过150亿美金。如今,飞书深诺集团已累计服务电商、品牌、游戏、APP 多场景超10万家中国企业成功出海,稳步实现用数字有效联结中国企业和全球消费者的愿景。

    Founded in 2013, Meetsocial Group is a global onlinemarketing service group based on global mobile Internet data and driven by Al technology. Meetsocial has a global marketing coverage of 233 countries and regions with overseas branches in Singapore, Japan, the United States, India, the United Arab Emirates, and other countries and regions, Nowa-days, Meetsocial has served more than 100,000 Chinese enterprises in various scenarios, including e-commerce, branding, games, and applications, and has steadily realized the vision of effectively connecting Chinese enterprises and global consumers through digital marketing.
  • BeyondClick飞书点跃

    BeyondClick飞书点跃是飞书深诺集团旗下专注出海品牌全域营销服务子品牌,为出海品牌提供“有数据 有策略 能落地”的新一代全球化数字营销深度专业服务,并以品牌全球营销数字化管理平台赋能营销业务提速、提效。迄今为止,BeyondClick已在本土化策略、整合营销、数字化运营等领域深度服务3,000+家领先的品牌出海企业,助力品牌竞争力提升,致胜全球市场。

    Beyondclick, a subsidiary of Meetsocial Group, specializes in providing comprehensive marketing services for brands going global. It offers a new generation of in-depth professional services in international digital marketing, characterized by "data-driven, strategic, and actionable" solutions, and empowers marketing operations with a brand global marketing digital management platform to accelerate and enhance efficiency. To date, BeyondClick has provided profound expertise in localization strategies, integrated marketing campaigns, and digital operations, to over 3,000 leading brands venturing into international markets, enhancing brand competitiveness and securng victories in the global marketplace.
  • SinoClick飞书逸途


    SinoClick, a subsidiary of Meetsocial Group, is a dedicated platform offering growth-focused cross-border e-commerce operational solutions. Leveraging Meetsocial's 11 years of expertise in cross-border services, SinoClick targets e-commerce enterprises in their startup and growth phases.Through a range of seryice capabilities, a structured platform,and the integration of omnichannel operations guided by data-driven strategies, SinoClick aims to facilitate successful market entry and expansion on a global scale.In the competitive landscape of cross-border e-commerce, and the growing need for integration of third-party and self-built platforms, SinoClick is committed to providing comprehensive operational solutions across all channels,empowering Chinese enterprises to thrive on the global stage.
  • 小棉袄


    Xiao cotton-padded jacket was founded in 2011,headguartered in Suzhou gusu district, and in the city,.industrial park, Guangzhou, Hangzhou, chengdu,Shaoxing set up molecular company, more than 400emplovees, business in many countries and regions ahome and abroad, service global brands 1000+senior operations service team has 10 years of professional experience,industry category, and largeelectricity live base in jiangsu province, photographybase, area of about 6000, deep electricity field for 13years, the industry ahead, covering all domestic B20electric business platform Xiao Cotton-padded jacket is a leading TOB-C internetcomprehensive business operation serice provider inchina, and an Internet hiah-tech enterprise in liangs!Province. Focusing on the research and application ofAlGC inteligent technology of enterprise brandmarketing, providing comprehensive businessclosed-loop serice for small and medium-sizedenterprises, and helping small and medium-sizedenterprises to better digital marketing
  • 九四智能


    Founded in 2018, Guangzhou 94 intelligence Technology co., ltd,(referred to as 94 Intelligence)is amember unit of the china communications Enterpris-es Association,Guangdong Artificial IntelligenceIndustry Association, Shenzhen Artificial intelligenceIndustry Association, and the Technological Innova.tion Strategic Alliance of the Artificial IntelligenceIndustny, lt is an artificial intelligence enterprise withself-developed core technologies such as naturalanguage processing (NLP), speech recognition (ASR)intelligent speech synthesis (Ts), and big dataRelying on tools such as Al outbound calls, Al inbounccalls, and 5G video outbound calls as the startingpoint, it is committed to providing enterprise customers with an intelligent user operation SaaS platform torealize the intelligent operation of the entire life cycleof their users and empower the continuous growth ofcustomer perfommance.
  • 每日互动

    公司于2019年3月登陆创业板 (股票代码:300766),成为国内率先在A股上市的 “数据智能”企业。

    Founded in 2010, Merit Interactive Co., Ltd. (GeTui) is a leading data intelligence company that empowers industries with cutting-edge data technologies. Merit Interactive provides a number of data-intelligent products, services, and solutions to customers from different industries and government departments, including Internet operations, user growth, brand marketing, intelligent transportation, etc. In March 2019, Merit Interactive was successfully listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange (Stock Ticker: 300766) as the market’s first data intelligence company. In the field of brand marketing, Merit Interactive provides end-to-end digital marketing solutions to brand owners, including brand data assets optimization, market analysis, consumer insights, targeted advertising, joint modeling, and offline business district traffic analysis,all aimed at achieving more effective marketing through data.
  • Nint任拓




    Nint Expert in Big Data AI for Digital Commerce For over a decade, Nint has been a leader in developing a digital commerce ecosystem using its proprietary Nint Prophet® AI algorithm. Prophet® seamlessly integrates AI and big data utilizing “Tag Science”. This innovation, supported by multiple patents and copyrights, connects consumers, products, and content across all channels. Nint's extensive big data services encompass both shelf and content e-commerce. Since 2009, Nint has empowered over 80% of the world’s top 500 consumer products companies, comprising 3,000 brands, and 30,000 stores with comprehensive solutions. These include online retail tracking, consumer comments analytics, channel price management, instant retail, and effectiveness measurement of content conversion. These tools provide profound insights to drive brand decision-making and growth. Our operations now encompass China, Japan, and Southeast Asia. Guided by the principle that "Data sets the world free", Nint is dedicated to advancing digital commerce. We pioneered the founding of  the Digital Commerce Alliance and established a Big Data Research Institute dedicated to driving continuous innovation to inspire the evolution of the industry.
  • 焕泽信息


    Huanze Information is a technology company that empowers brand growth with technology and content. Huanze Information is committed to becoming the Business partners, always focusing on various online interactive platforms that have the widest coverage and the greatest long-term impact on consumers. Adhering to the content concept of "touching people's hearts" and relying on the company's technical strength, it integrates AI technology into creative design, strategy formulation In the entire process of communication and execution, as well as sales transformation services, it not only accumulates digital assets for the brand, but also truly brings more business. Empowering brands to rejuvenate and operating user friendly relationships.
  • 钛镁AI

    钛镁AI是专注于企业级AIGC营销智能体平台的服务商。从市场洞察、营销内容创作到舆情管理,提供营销全链路的生成式AI整体解决方案。公司核心团队拥有近20年营销行业经验和专业化的技术落地能力,目前产品已获得包括汽车、金融、快消、服饰等20+行业客户认可。钛镁AI企业级AIGC营销智能体平台涵盖了品牌舆情管理、市场分析、产品分析、消费者洞察、广告营销创意内容生成、数智客服、企业内训、知识库管理等众多营销应用场景。基于自研的LLMOps 应用开发平台,可提供私有数据训练的多元化部署服务,为企业快速构建专属大模型。

    TAIMEI AI is a service provider focusing on providing an enterprise-level AI Agent platform for marketing. From market insight and advertising creativity to content creation and public opinion management, we provide a comprehensive generative AI solution for the entire marketing chain.Our core team has nearly 20 years of experience in the marketing and specialized technical implementation capabilities. Currently, our products have been recognized by customers in more than 20 industries, including the automotive industry, financial insurance industry, fast-moving consumer goods industry, clothing industry, etc.
  • 灵感岛

    AI x 个人IP打造

    AI x品牌电商内容

    AI x企业社媒营销智能体
    AI x Enterprise Social Media Marketing Agent

    Inspiration Island is a platform for AI content creation and smart marketing AI x Personal IP Creation Inspiration Island trains vertical application models based on 100 million + Internet celebrity marketing full-chain big data assets. It meets the content creation needs of We Media creators, advertising marketing practitioners, professionals, and other users in more than 30 content creation scenarios through its construction of industry knowledge map. AI x Brand E-Commerce Content As for the traditional pain spots of "content production" and "distribution management" of brand social media marketing, many functions are launched, including batch generation of hot articles, matrix account management, multi-platform one-click distribution, and 100% automated data detection. A full-chain social media marketing solution of "material generation-AI content creation-precise channel distribution-operation management" is constructed. Brands are provided with efficient, intelligent, and high-quality content creation and matrix distribution solutions in a "faster, better and economical" way. Enterprise social media marketing is empowered throughout the chain. AI x Enterprise Social Media Marketing Agent Emphasis is put on 10 key industries such as cosmetics, maternal and infant, technology and digital, fashion, and automobiles. The content logic and the secret of hot articles in vertical tracks are better understood, so more professional hot articles with more complete character settings are generated in batches. In addition, enterprise data are continuously accumulated to further train industry privatization agents.
  • 影刀RPA


    Foundedin 2019,Shadowbot (Hangzhou FenchaAl&Tech Co. Ltd) has rapidly established itself as aleader in the RPA sector. In just three years, we'veassisted over 30,000 companies spanning diverseindustries, securing significant investment of$200million from prestigious financial institutions such asGoldman Sachs and Coatue.Our team is comprisedof seasoned professionals with a wealth of experi-ence from top-tier RPA service providers, includingAlibaba Group, Google, Oracle, and Baidu. our extensive expertise in the RPA field, wedeliver user-friendly RPA solutions that empowerbusinesses and individuals.
  • 久谦中台


    Meritco Services conducts qualitative and quantitative analyseson both the supply and demand sides of the industrial chainbased on in-depth research content. We focus on the currentmainstream business scenarios of customers and providecomplete solutions. ·300 industry-leading clients + 400 full-time analysts ·China's leading professional research institution + 5,000 research projects ·Integration of online and offline + compatible with quantitativeand qualitative analysis + covering a wide range of industries.A decade of fixed cost accumulation + supporting multi-levelanalytical reasoning ·Abstract commonality+ fine-tune characteristics = achieving morcomprehensive calculations ·Solving problems related to trends, innovation, and other questions that are difficult for humans to answer
  • 一知智能


    Yiwise intelligent Technology Co, Ltd., established inAuqust 2017,is a leading enterprise-level intelligentservice company with multimodal human-computedialogue and generative Al technology as its corecapabilities. The main business is to providefull-process user interaction solutions for enterprisecustomers under the infrastructure of telephone,wechat, SMs, video, etc., to enhance the lifecyclevalue of enterprise users.Empowering scenarios with Al, making technclogyland,Yiwise Intelligent provides customers and userswith powerful Al capabilities and deep scenar-io-based intelligent services. At present, the companyhas deeply served multiple industries such as consumer retail,finance, local life,games, educationand public senvices.
  • CeMeta森宇宙
  • KAWO


    KAWO provides a central hub for marketing teams toeffectively collaborate, plan, manage and analyzecontent across wechat,weibo, Douyin, KuaishouBilibili and Xiaohongshu the six major social mediachannels in China. lts unparalleled expertise in thelocal social media landscape,customer insights andregulations has helped more than 500 global brandssucceed on Chinese social media platforms.
  • 辰月科技


    Chenyue Technology is a big data consulting servicecompanythat provides customized "all domainconsumer operaton services for brands based onbig data analysis. lt also offers business scenariosolutions such as data fuslon, data ooeration, anddata backflow and re application for the brand's aldomain data platform,In the context of brand datatransformaton,it deeplyexolores business qrowthopportunities, improves the efficienoy of "people.gcods,and venues operatons, provides brandbusiness qrawth strategies,identifies currentbusiness problems and market opportunities, andprovides professional services for customers omnichannel market strategies, brand developmentplanning,marketing suategies,and store operatonshelping brand business grow rapidly.
  • 炼丹炉


    Liandanlu is a professional global Al big data serviceprovider,focusing on business trend insights andempowering enterprise innovation and growth. Liandanlu collects real-time data on 180+first levelindustries,500w+stores, and 10 billion+products inTaobao e-commerce,as well as 750+D sub categories,approximately 19000+brands. 400000+stores,and 1.6 billion assistsenterprises in analyzing industries and competitorsfrom multiple dimensions such as positioning research,competition,and operation, in order toachieve sustained growth in benefits and find largerbusiness opportunities. At the same time,Liandanlu gathers data from twosocial media platforms, Xiaohongshu and Tiktok, tohelp insiaht into the trend of public opinion in theindustry, Gathering over 80000 high-quality expertsfrom various industries, with comprehensive coverage of note taking data, short video seedingand live streaming dynamics, to master contente-commerce.
  • 予之文化

    予之文化,一家落地情绪品牌新增量的运营公司,是目前中国少有的可对赌、敢保量的少数派全案组织。独创的情绪品牌引爆增长体系,是从平台品牌心智转译到小红书目标拆解、抖音利润规划为导向的实战方法论。7年专业沉淀,现有人才百余人。自孵化小红书家居母婴头部买手达娜Dana,单场直播约200W,连续三年蝉联家居买手TOP1。抖音自有母婴 kos 矩阵可快速盖3000+,以终为始助力品牌健康成长,让天下没有不红的品牌。

    Yoozy culture is a landing emotional brand newincremental operating company. it is currently arare organization in China which dare to betagainst and guarantee the sales. The unique practice of emotional brand growth is acontrolled system from brand strategy consulting toone-stop product marketing landing in Xiaohongshu and Douyin. it is based on the core that "the emotional detonation of point of user'sis the brand's emotional detonation". Amplify theuser's common sense, leveraging valuable salestools, breaking the circle after piercing theplatform circle. Help China's new generation of brands healthygrowth, make brands become popular and spreadthroughout the world!
  • 热度云

    热度电商成立于 2020年8月,是一家专注于短视频直播电商的整合营销服务商。依托强大的业务体系,精淇的业务能力,专业的技术团队,致力于打造多元化的电商变现体系。

    Full company nameHangzhou YangXuan Information Services Co., Ltd Scope of businessElite distribution whole- process managing,precise elite targeting,business flow automatiz-ing,marketing performance tracking,intelligentperformance recording,digitization analyzing,au.tomated advertising,business collaborating Areas of expertiseFood and Beverage, Dietary and Health-care,Gen-eral Merchandise,cosmetics,Mother and Baby,Petting,Books and Education,Digital 3c Contact details Phone:19967307065 Redu E-commerce was established in August 2020 asa marketing service provider that focuses on livestreaming and short videos. with a strong businesscapability, robust business system, and experttechnology team, we are dedicated to building adiverse e-commerce monetization system. As pioneers of an elite distribution system, Redu Yunsimplifies complicated business procedures to helpbrand merchants efficiently recommend products.Additionally, Redu Yun assists brand merchants inbreaking through barriers and substantially loweringmanagement costs while increasing team efficiencythrough precise decision-making.In summary, ReduYun makes elite distribution easier!
  • 慧科讯业

    慧科讯业是全球舆情大数据智能分析和商业应用领导者,致力于通过AI 和大数据能力,驱动企业营销智能分析、管理及智慧商业的整体发展;拥有25年的客户服务积淀,累计服务客户超过3000家,行业头部客户超过500家。慧科讯业在公关舆情分析、品牌营销、消费者洞察管理、增长提效、及营销数字化领域内沉淀并积累了14个行业的大数据资产、AI技术和模型、算法能力、及客户服务经验等。

    慧科讯业拥有业界领先的AI 技术实验室和技术团队,凭借AI 技术实力斩获多个国际大奖。凭借具有绝对技术优势和准确率的去噪模型和水军模型,结合AI 领域专有大语言模型(LLM),实现数据多种类维度属性抽取、增强型语义、关联、情感识别、跨行业知识图谱识别等精准数据应用和分析,结合基于传播、营销、决策全场景需求的SaaS 产品平台,为客户提供营销全链路综合分析及数据应用的数字化解决方案。

    Wisers is a leader in global intelligence analysis and business applications of public opinion big data. It is committed to driving the overall development of enterprise marketing intelligence analysis, management and smart business through AI and big data capabilities. With 25 years of customer service accumulation, it has served more than 3,000 customers in total, and over 500 industry-leading customers. In the fields of public relations and public opinion analysis, brand marketing, consumer insight management, growth and efficiency improvement, and marketing digitalization, it has accumulated big data assets, AI technologies and models, algorithm capabilities, and customer service experience in 14 industries. Wisers has an industry-leading AI technology laboratory and technical team. With its AI technology strength, it has won multiple international awards. With the denoising model and anti water army model with absolute technical advantages and accuracy, combined with the proprietary Large Language Model(LLM) in the field of AI, it realizes accurate data applications and analyses such as multi-category dimensional attribute extraction, enhanced semantics, associations, sentiment recognition, and cross-industry knowledge graph recognition. Combined with the SaaS product platform based on the full-scenario needs of communication, marketing, and decision-making, it provides customers with integrated digital solutions for comprehensive analysis and data application across all marketing channels.
  • 倍轻松




    Since established in 2000, Breo has been dedicated in researching and developing smart portable massagers. As an pioneer in the industry, Breo built R&D center, set full production lines, organize all marketing and run all direct-sale stores. Combining the massage concept of traditional Chinese medicine with modern technology, Breo has launched a portfolio of smart portable massagers including the head, eyes, neck, scalp, and moxibustion box as the first in the industry through accupoint massage, pinching, kneading, pressing, and hot compresses. Breo smart massagers have been widely sold to more than 50 countries and 70+ million people all over the world.
  • 闪极科技


    SHARGE was founded in 2020.The core team iscomposed of senior experts from leading mobilephone anddrone companies. We focus on creating charging and energy storageproducts with leading technology and amazingdesign.Our annual revenue has exceeded 30M UsD,and the products are welcomed by more than onemillion users in 10+ countries around the world. We have customized and developed several chargingand storage products for Nl0, Great Wall MotorOPPo,and Meizu, which have been widely recognizec
  • 暴肌独角兽


    Founded in 2016 to present,DUJOSOO insists on starting from the vision of “letting everyone enjoy a healthy life easily”,focusing on the field of healthy light food for 9 years,and is committed to creating healthy food that users can choose to will,eat to ease,and have no burden. At present,DUJOSOO helped more than 420,000 users to live a healthy life,completed the strong layout of online+offline+oversea channels,online coverage of more than 30 mainstream platform,offline distribution system covering more than 200 cities,more than 70000 terminal outlets in the country’s market coverage,and the globalization of the hot sales of overseas 13 countries layout.More than 300 products effectively cover the diversified light food under healthy diet scenarios,and the brand's explosive products, such as stuffed bread, sold over 140 million pieces and American black coffee, sold over 1.1 billion cups, and were authoritatively certified by Sullivan as “No. 1 in national sales of stuffed bread” and “No. 1 in sales of instant black coffee” by China's newest brand,and “China's newest brand of instant black coffee”, which were recognized by Sullivan. In the future,we will continue to plow into the field of healthy food,grow into a more socially valuable enterprise,so that everyone can easily enjoy a healthy life within reach.
  • 芝华仕



    CHEERS is a brand urIder Man Wah Holdings. special-ized in functional soas for three decades, its networkspreads across six ( integrates researchand development, production, sales, and serice. lthas over 200 designers from more than 20 countriesit offers high-quality householdWith an open visionproducts to global cnsumers. HTTPS://WWW.CHEERSOFA.COM/ABOUT/INTRODUCE.HTML
  • SMK


    Shanghai ShunXi Advertising co., ltd. (SMk) wasestablished in 2017. Based on its long-term experi.ence in providing integrated marketing for brands,SMK has fully launched the 'Brand and SalesIntegrated Marketing Solution' in 2024 in response tomarket trends. with the main business of empower-ing brands and markets, SMK provides scenemarketing services for brands, deeply cultivating andbreaking through the local life service market,helping brands quickly expand their market,enhancebrand value and boost business growth, achievingboth brand and sales performance.
  • 蝉妈妈


    Chanmama is a brand under Xiamen Chanyu NetworkTechnology co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of XiamenLimaya Network Technology co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to asCicada Master). Recognized as a leading Saas provider in thefield of digital marketing and e-commerce solutions, is headquartered in Xiamen with branches in Beijing,Hangzhou, Guangzhou,Shanghai, Hong Kong and Singapore Our mission is to harness the power of big data and Al in themarketing sector, ultimately driving new growth for our clientsbyenabling them to unlock profound data insight and tostreamline content management and creation for marketingand e-commerce in today's content-driven economy. Our saasportfolio includes subsidiaries such as chanmama,Chanmama·Creative, Chanmama·Al Creation, chanmofangChanguanjia,Chanquanquan, and chanjing, among others.We also offer a range of services including Chanxuan, chanma-ma Think Tank, digital human live streaming, and etc To date, we have proudly and successfully provided high-quali-ty services to over 1 million customers, ranging from small andmedium-sized businesses to large enterprises.
  • Marketingforce迈富时

    Marketingforce迈富时(股票代码: 02556.HK),是中国最大的营销与销售SaaS公司,也是全球领先的SaaS智能营销云平台。公司成立于2009年,总部位于上海市大数据产业基地,第二总部落座武汉光谷,全球分布20余家分支机构,累计申请软件著作和专利600余项。公司聚焦数字化与智能化,基于人工智能、大数据技术在营销领域的实践,为客户提供有竞争力的产品与服务,创造业务增长价值。已累计服务超20万家企业,涵盖零售消费、汽车、金融、B2B、医药大健康、企服、跨境电商等行业领域。




    Marketingforce积极拓展AI SaaS全景服务能力,已连续5年被互联网周刊评为AI SaaS第一名,连续4年蝉联智能营销榜首,荣获2023AIGC创新案例第一名、2023年度AIGC应用创新TOP10等重要奖项。Marketingforce打造的AI SaaS应用案例也多次入选国际顶尖咨询公司IDC发布的最佳案例评选报告。


  • 233品牌私域


    233 Private Domains provides brand-effect integration private domain operation solutions for brands. With the rich marketing experience, long-term private domain operation experience, and strong technical product development capabilities from over 100 partners from well-known 4A advertising groups and e-commerce platforms, we offer comprehensive private domain solutions such as 'Ominchannel Private Domain Strategy Consultant,' 'WeCom Private Domain Operation,'and 'Xiaohongshu Private Domain Operation'for brands.
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GDMS 全球数字营销峰会是由营赏(上海)数字科技有限公司 和 新的(上海)数字科技有限公司主办的全球性会议。电话 Tel:+86(21) 63816920







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